Exterior Plant Services

  • Know Your Yard

    Maybe you moved to a yard that was developed before your arrival and you have no idea what the plants are. I can assist with identifying plants for you so you can begin to research on your own, or I can give you hints and tips as we go. Sometimes a walk-through is helpful at different points during each season to catch all the plants during their time to shine. We can create a map together with a key to each plant, we can physically mark or label certain things as needed, and/or you can voice record our conversation to jog your memory when you need it. This can be a casual conversation packed with information, and I will leave you with more resources to help guide your own personal research.

    Service description:
    5 minute chat about our plan to work our way around the yard. Then we’ll dive into documenting and marking what’s what. You’ll be able to ask questions along the way and I can work on pulling together a comprehensive plant list to send you when we wrap up our time. Time blocks start at an hour and will be pro-rated if we need more time.

  • Design Game Plan

    Are you ready to take your outdoor space to the next level? I can help you settle on a design concept and come up with an impressive plant palette. Whether creating a pot or container garden on a patio or overhauling the entire property, this service applies to all spaces. My degree in Landscape Architecture will be put to work to decide how to organize the area and recommend plants that should do well in each location. I can even supply you with a list of resources to continue your journey, such as where to look for supplies and materials, labor, recommended companies to use, and tips on what your landscape will require to maintain over time.

    Service description:
    You’ll start with emailing me an initial general overview of what you hope to gain. You can send photos of your space, any ideas you have, challenges you’ve encountered. Then we’ll schedule a site visit so I can see the space in person and gain a better understanding first-hand. During the meeting I’ll ask questions and we’ll discuss options to help you make decisions about your design. I can produce sketches of concepts during our meeting and create a working list of plant choice ideas. I’ll likely take more photos to help me produce an easy-to-understand plan of your space. I can also help by suggesting timing of installation to account for optimal conditions and also to spread out budget over time. Once I hand over the plan and lists you need, you’re welcome to proceed with installation companies as you see fit.

  • Landscape Advising

    If you’re excited about gardening but want a little guidance as you go, this is just the thing for you. I’m here to reassure you, suggest ways of doing things that you may not have known about, give you tips and tricks to save time or give your yard that special personal touch and boost your pride. If you went shopping and couldn’t resist buying some spectacular plants but don’t know where to put them, I can help place them in your yard so you get the most out of your new thrill. If you already worked with me to create a design, I can help you make that design come to life. I can assist with plant selection at a nursery and help you find appropriate substitutes if desired plants aren’t available. I can help you place your plants in your landscape for you to plant as you have time. I can teach you planting and maintenance methods to ensure success in the long run. I’m available to return at different checkpoints to evaluate progress and suggest adjustments. There are so many ways I can help, and I’m here for it.

    Service description:
    15 minute chat about what you need out of this versatile service. I will need to visit your site for a tour and then we’ll determine how to proceed together. Time is pro-rated at an hourly rate.

  • Specialized Pruning and Rehabilitation

    I frequently visit home gardens where there are magnificent focal shrubs or small trees that haven’t been maintained to their fullest potential. Before it’s noticed, they have grown too dense, too spindly, misshapen, or in a fashion that is unhealthy for the plant itself. I take great pride in helping a plant back to its own ideal and unique character utilizing my extensive knowledge of plant growth and structure. My sculpture background also brings attention to the aesthetics of both the plant and how it relates to its surroundings. Many customers are nervous when it comes to altering a beloved plant and become alarmed if they see a bunch of plant matter removed all at once. All my customers breathe a sigh of relief when I’m finished and express admiration for the plant’s makeover and the dissipation of their previous doubts. In some cases, rehabilitating a plant requires a slightly awkward stage before it grows into its own again. Don’t worry, it’s in the plant’s best interest! This service is ideally performed annually for upkeep but will take more work during the initial service depending on how long it has been since receiving attention. If you’re the type of person who plans ahead and you’ve planted something young that you want to grow into a magnificent focal point, keeping up with shaping and grooming early on is the best way to help it reach its potential much faster while avoiding future issues.

    Service description:
    15 minute chat about the plant of concern and what you like about it and hope for it.
    During the chat I will evaluate the plant and determine what needs to be done for both health and aesthetics. At that time I will roughly calculate how long it will take to work my magic and I’ll give you an estimated cost, or you can just let me at it to work my magic. Time is pro-rated at an hourly rate.